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How to get more backlinks from backlinking sites

user intent keyword research

Before you submit backlinking links, you must decide the criteria you will use to judge the effectiveness of those sites. You should consider the following criteria: the site's organic traffic, the number and type of referring domains. If the site does not have an active blog, getting links from it may not be a worthwhile endeavor. It is a good idea to only submit links to sites that meet these criteria.

For backlinking sites, quality criteria

There are many quality standards for backlinking. The quality of backlinks is determined by their location, anchor text, and follow or nofollow feature. Domain authority is useful to measure the strength of a backlink. Domain authority is a scale of one to 100. This can be used to assess the quality and quantity of backlinks to a particular website. The higher the Domain Authority, the higher the quality of backlinks from that site.

Relevance of content is another important quality to consider when linking sites. Relevant backlinks enjoy a high level of authority. They originate from trusted websites. Higher domain authority indicates that the website has more trustworthiness. You can use a domain authority checking tool to locate websites with high domain authority. This will allow you to determine how valuable the link might be. You might also consider social media backlinking to sites with a high domain-authority.

top link building tactics


If you are an IT service provider, it is important to establish a strong online presence. There are many options to gain more backlinks for your website. SourceBottle can help you accomplish this. The service is completely free and will enable you to create your profile, send email notifications, and respond online. Here are some tips for starting SourceBottle.

SourceBottle lets you connect with journalists, bloggers, and other journalists. Many journalists have difficulty finding reliable sources for their stories and articles. This website allows these writers and journalists to save time and effort by eliminating the need to reach out to multiple sources. SourceBottle works as a middleman to allow them to post and select free sources. SourceBottle gives these sources free exposure on Internet.


Medium is a great platform for creating backlinks. Because it allows you to easily highlight articles or stories through a comment section, it's a great way to create them. Medium is a great backlinking platform because it can be shared across multiple social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Consistency is key to getting the best out of your backlinking campaigns. Backlinks with medium authority can increase traffic to your site and improve your content authority.

youtube google trends

Higher SERP rankings can be achieved by taking advantage of the platform’s domain authority. Medium's SEO features allow you to leverage the platform's popularity to generate more organic traffic. You can also distribute your content to the right audience. You can increase your chance of landing higher Google rankings by embedding backlinks into your content. Its high domain authority is another advantage of Medium as a backlinking site.


How often should I update the website?

There are many methods to update your website. One option is to use a CMS (Content Management System). This allows you to easily modify all content on your site without needing to touch any code.

Another option is to use a plugin which automatically updates your site. These plugins may be purchased at WordPress stores or downloaded by you.

WPtouch, Yoast, and several other plugins are free. It is a good idea to try different methods to find the one that works for you.

What Content Strategy can I use to improve my ranking?

Content strategy is the process of planning how much content you will produce over time. It includes topics, keywords, and other information about your company. This will ensure you don't write too much or not enough content.

How often do you need SEO?

If you maintain your links correctly, you don't necessarily need to update or perform SEO campaigns regularly. But, if you neglect to maintain your links and rely solely upon organic traffic, you might lose out on potential clients.

Small businesses are advised to have their SEO updated monthly. A quarterly update may be necessary for larger companies.

How much does SEO cost?

SEO costs vary based on your company's size, industry, and budget. SEO costs vary depending on the size of your company, industry and budget. Smaller businesses may only spend a few hundred per month while larger companies could spend thousands. Use our SEO calculator for a free estimate.

Why use social media marketing?

Social media marketing allows you to reach new clients and maintain relationships with those that you already know. By posting interesting articles and engaging with others through comments and likes, you can create a community around your brand. It makes it easier to find potential customers online.

What is On Page SEO?

On-page optimization refers to actions taken within your website in order to improve its ranking in search engines. On-page SEO covers site architecture, page title, meta tags, image alt text and other aspects. Off-page optimization refers to any activities outside of your website that can improve its ranking. These include backlinks.


  • Which led to a 70.43% boost in search engine traffic compared to the old version of the post: (backlinko.com)
  • 64% of marketers actively create SEO campaigns because they help hit multiple key performance indicators (KPIs), including increasing traffic, helping your site rank for relevant keywords, improving your conversion rate, and much more. (semrush.com)
  • 93%of online experiences today begin on search engines. (marketinginsidergroup.com)
  • Sean isn't alone… Blogger James Pearson recently axed hundreds of blog posts from his site… and his organic traffic increased by 30%: (backlinko.com)
  • If two people in 10 clicks go to your site as a result, that is a 20% CTR. (semrush.com)

External Links





How To

How important is off-page SEO

Optimized sites should be optimized for search engines such Google, Bing, & Yahoo!

While site optimization is important, there are other aspects to optimize your website. These include but not be limited to:

  • Your site's design (does your site load quickly?
  • Content quality and quantity
  • Social media presence
  • Backlinks to your site

Optimizing your website requires you to consider many factors. These things will make a huge difference in your website's traffic and ranking.

What is a Link-Building Strategy? How does it work? What are the pros and cons?

This is a guide on how to create links for your website and brand.

  1. 1. Why do I need link-building strategies?
    Link building has been proven by research to be one of the most effective ways to increase traffic and page rankings. This is what most businesses don’t know, but it is important that they develop a plan and implement it to build links, improve their ranking, and increase traffic. Keep reading to find out more.
  2. What is a "link building strategy" and how can it be beneficial for my business?
    A link building strategy is basically a way to create links from different sites and directories to yours. It involves contacting relevant website owners and asking them to include a link back. There are two types: outreach and content marketing. Outreach is done by hand while software automates the process. Both methods take some planning and time. However, they can produce great results over time. Let's talk in detail about each method.
  3. What are the advantages of a good link building strategy?
    The best thing about a good strategy for link building is that it gives you more exposure, as you are able to reach out and trust others. This means you won't have to spend time trying to convince someone that your company is worth linking to. This will help you save time and effort.
  4. Are there any disadvantages of a link building strategy too?
    The main downside to a strategy for link building is that you will need to establish your authority before you can pitch yourself. Potential partners will need to see that you have something to offer. Before you begin pitching companies to you, find out if they are interested in partnering with you.
  5. How do I choose a link building strategy? What should I do?
    This all depends on how you want to develop relationships with different companies. For example, you may want to use outreach for your B2B clients as it gives you a chance to meet new customers and build trust. To promote sales and create leads, you can also use content market if your goal is to form a partnership.
  6. What should I look at when choosing a linking strategy? Is there something else I should be aware of?

    Here's some information to keep in mind when choosing a link-building strategy.
    Whom are you targeting? It is important to know what type of site your pitch will be placed on. This depends on the niche.
    Selling products online? This is when you should focus on getting links from blogs related to fashion, beauty, and food. If you're selling services, you could target local directories such Citysearch, Yelp, and so on.
    What are your goals? You need to choose a strategy that targets high-quality links if you want to improve your SEO rankings. Otherwise, you will just be spreading low quality links around.
    What does your budget allow? A lot of people think they can use both content marketing and outreach at once but this isn't true.

    It is impossible to do more than one thing at once. For example, it is impossible to write and publish blog posts all day.
  7. Where do I begin my link building strategy.
    Before you start a link-building program, decide how much of your time and money. Start small, and you will be amazed at how far you can get. Once you've figured out the best link building strategy for your company, you can increase your efforts.

How to get more backlinks from backlinking sites